Thursday 4 April 2019

T.S.Eliot Thinking Activity

1) How would you like to explain Eliot's concept of tradition?  Do you agree with it?

  • Yes, I am agree with the definition of tradition given by Eliot. He gave very effective and modern definition. He point out that tradition is matter of much wider significance. Eliot says that tradition cannot be inherited. Tradition involves a great deal of labor and erudition. It involves the historical sense which involves apparition not only of the pastness of past but also of its presence. Eliot is not believing in slavish imitation of his tradition. Eliot has presented trend or any particular method which should be followed. Tradition is not only described in the sense of following but as an awareness of history to make future.

2) What do you understand by Historical sense? 

  • "The historical sense involves a perception, not only of the pastness of the past, but of its presence".
                Through this line, we can understand that the poet is aware about the tradition of the past and he is also aware of the present tradition-in which pattern the writer of the past and present has been writing.
                 Eliot says, "This historical sense, which is a sense of the timeless and of the temporal together, is what makes a writer traditional" which means that with the help of historical sense a writer can write timeless and temporal together and which makes the writer traditional and not the slavish imitation. A historical sense is not just senses of history as a past but it is also an understanding of the present, the present is the unfolding of the past. As a writer one can must have the historical sense.

3) What is the relationship between "Tradition" and "Individual Talent" according to the poet T.S.Eliot?

  • There is a proverb, "Every coin has two sides". And we can apply this proverb here and says that individual talent is a part of tradition as like a brick and building. Any individual work itself could not create such effect as tradition can. Individual talent to expand or extent something new in existing tradition by keeping harmony with the tradition and give it more beauty and meaning and also make their own place in the huge tradition.

4) Explain quote, " Some can absorb knowledge, the more tardy must sweat for it. Shakespeare from Plutarch than most men could from the whole British museum".

  • In above given quote, Eliot talks about the greatness of Shakespeare and his historical sense. It is not the necessary for a poet to read all the literary history of the past but one has to have understanding of human nature. Shakespeare has absorbed his age, so, he seems to absorbed and lived through hi age and absorbed his age.

5) Explain: "Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation is direct not upon poet but upon poetry".

  • In this quotation, Eliot tries to explain  honest criticism and appreciation. He says that any poetry cannot be judged by its poet. He mentioned that critic must have to appreciate the work and never criticized by the name of writer. Generally, we noticed that critics mostly judge poetry or any literary work by name of writer not by work itself. Here, Eliot denies that partial nature of critics and advised them to be honest and criticize or appreciate the poetry only by itself.

6) How would you like to explain Eliot's theory of denationalization? You can explain with the help of chemical reaction in presence of catalyst agent, platinum.

  • The theory of Denationalization means, the poetry is more important than the poet. It means the poet has to separate his personal emotions from his poetry. Eliot says that the difference between mature and immature poets can be found out by liberty of special and very varied feelings that can enter into new combinations.
  •  Eliot gives illustration from science - chemistry. In the process of being Sulfur's acid; Sulfur dioxide. And also they must have the presence of filament 'Platinum'. He compares this platinum with the poet. Eliot insists that the mind of the poet should be like that shared of platinum. It should give its total contribution in creating poetry.

7) Explain: " poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality".

  • In this quote, Eliot says that when be remain to aloof from his feelings. To write poetry is a great deal. When a poet becomes personal while writing poetry, he will be considered as a 'bad-poet'. Because he becomes unconscious, where he should be conscious and he becomes conscious where he must be unconscious. When a poet escapes from his personality, then and then the great poem comes out. A poet must not show his emotion in poetry.

 8) Write two points on which one can write critique on T.S.Eliot as a critic.

  • Eliot's view of escape from emotion and escape from personality.
  • The idea of depersonalization that the man who suffers and the mind which creates are different.

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