Thursday 4 April 2019

Deconstruction and Derrida

"Structure sign and play in the Discourse of the Human sciences".

Deconstruction is a theory and pactice of reading which questions and claims to 'subvert' or 'undermine' the assumption that the system of language provides grounds that are adequate to establish the boundaries, the coherence or unity, and the determinate meaning of literary text.

Derrida combines two characteristics of the language mentioned above : the arbitariness or the tendency to defer the ultimate and final meaning, and the systematic differentiality of, language and coins a new term "differance" the tendency or the force of language to defer and differ that is intrinsic to language. The new term is a pun, and is possible in French as the word differer can mean either to differ or to defer, depending on context.

Derrida's assertion that deconstruction is not something that you do, but something which happens to text implies that it is the force of 'difference' which is the part of the production and signification of binaries and their subversion and the resultant aporia, rather than a person, school or a historical period causing it.


In this video we can see that the family is living with joint family. There are so many members in the family. There are two women serve the dinner to family. One woman serve to her child. But we can see that mother and her child unpleased to each other. Mother tries to give a lesson to her child because he stolen money from here purse, but woman's mother in law and father in law and her husband don't favour to woman and encouraged to child. Her husband also said that the money is earning from him not her fathers. But at last the head of the home/ woman's grand father in law stands with her and favour to woman. Here, we can see that the head of the home is deconstruct the idea and rigid rituals of society.

The term deconstruction has become very popular in literary criticism and theory, its precise meaning is extremely problematic. It has had an enormous influence in psychology, literary theory, culture studies linguistics feminism, sociology and anthropology.  It has influenced a wide range of theoratical approaches to literary studies like feminism and gender studies, cultural materialism, new historicism post colonial studies, Marxism, Pychologysis and so on. It involves the close reading of text has irreconcilably contradictory meanings, rather than being a unified, logical whole. Though it is often misunderstood as negative activity of deconstruction, it is in many ways continuation of Heideggerian project of dismantling and transforming the entire tradition and architecture of western thought by building upon the insights from contemporary linguistics regarding the mechanism of language and meaning production.

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