Saturday 6 April 2019


1) when did you have a dream ?
Ans :-
            Dream means :-
                                  " A series of thoughts, Images and sensations occurring in a person's mind                                               during sleep."
                                                            -Oxford Dictionaries
          This is simple bus tough question, according to me it's depend on situation. I mean what I'm thing about situation. situations likes... i"m worried about my future,about my family, about my friend & about my dreams. when I am alone at that time I saw my dream.

2) what did you see in your dream ?
Ans :- when I see the dream I saw that... I'm worried about my family & my future normally I see Badminton court, rackets, Lights, Shuttlecocks, Sound of shuttlecocks & Beautiful shoes in my dream.

3) Based on your dream if you are asked to crate something what type of creation would be there ?
Ans :- when I'm creator, I create Badminton Academy & me and my team give best couching to our players. we teach them Badminton skills, foot works, shots & steps.

4) The creation will be ugly or beautiful ?
Ans :- Of course mt creation was beautiful because I create Badminton academy. If i create a human being with help of science so I can't say that my creation will be ugly or beautiful based on face & human body. In this world everything was a beautiful but our society divided into two(2) parts 1) Ugly & 2) Beautiful
          Example :- Mind Of Our Society...

                           Chris Gayle( West Indies Cricketer) we see that heavy and large body with big                                      muscles, long hair and black skin of him. 

                Bhakt of lord Mahadev he also have big  & large body, black skin & long hair.
       Our society love Chris Gayle because he was famous & he play cricket very well and other side our society can't talk with Bhakt Of lord Mahadev and we say that look at his ugly look, cloths & long hair.
5) If ugly why ? If beautiful, why ?
And :-My creation was beautiful because I create sports Academy and me & my team teach our player how to play game. when our players play well in tournaments me & my team was happy.
6) What your Interpretations for the word 'Monster' ?
And :- According to me everything was beautiful but according to our society Monster means ugly face, heavy and large body, big muscles and black skin.

7) Have you ever visited such kind of place which has some connections with horror & terror ?
Ans :- Sorry but no.... i did't visited such kind of place which has some connections with horror & terror. 

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