Friday 5 April 2019

Rivers and Tides

Andy Golds worthy is a British Sculptur, photographer and environmentalist who produces site specific sculpture and land art situated in natural and urban setting. He don't use any particular tool to create his piece of art. He goes to the nature, finds something which is given by nature, and after making it back to the nature. He is working with time. He knows when the sea will touch his work. He knows after how many days the art will show up. With that understanding of time he creates something beautiful. He believes i flow, flow of everything. He also says that everything has fluidity. Here we are talking about his documentary, "River and Tides - Working with Time".

With the passage of time this stone house is dissolved in river. Time is powerful and nothing is immortal. There is one poem by Shakespeare "Not Marble, Nor the Gilded Monuments" which deals with the theme of immortality through verse. The thought is about the futility of monuments and statues is developed and wounded up very skillfully.

Here, we can see that how he represents the process of life and death through nature. The very thing that brought it to life,  will bring about death. It represents that everything in life is temporary and everything will be changed or destroyed as the time passes.

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