Thursday 1 August 2019

The Role of English in India #ELT #unit1 ending task


          English Language Teaching (ELT) is based on the idea that the goal of language acquisition is communicative competence. It adopts concepts, techniques and methods in classroom for recognizing and managing the communicative needs of the language learners.

1.     What is English Language for you?
        For me English language is not much hard. It is a first language for me as I belong to an English medium school. From the beginning I'm a learner to English language so now it's as easy for me as Gujarati language. So I believe that for me English is not a second language. 

2.     What kind of challenges you are facing and have faced while learning this language?
        As I'm learning English from the childhood so as such I didn't faced any major kinds of challenges.

3.     Write a brief your understanding about any one essay.

        I'm here going to share my brief understanding of the essay on "Teaching English as 'Second Language' in India" by Kapil Kapoor.

    First language:
      First language means mother  tongue .PrimarIy language  that  the child would learn. First language has an importance influence on the  second  language acquisition. First language is our identity 
    Second language:
         “A person’s second language or L2, is a language that is not the native language of the speaker, but that is used for communication with the people of another language.”

        English language is Global language. English is not our mother tongue then too its not hard to learn if proper method and teaching techniques. English is necessary thing because each and  everyone requires English because it is our working language. To survive in this modern era it is necessary to have basic knowledge of English language.  Second Language acquisition (SLA) is also closely related to  cognitive psychology , and education.  According to Kreshan ,the Acquisition of a language is naturalistic process, where as learning a language is a conscious one. In this essay writer talks about the various benefit of learning English language as it is a linking language, window to the world, language of knowledge etc. Here he also talks that regional language makes conflict while English language makes unity.

4.     According to you which position English Language should be given?

        According to me English should be given first position in ones life because its the language on glob mostly people communicate. It is also the language of work. With this language people can convey their message to the other person. There are many translation available of various books but its not that that every book is translated to each and every language so if any one wants easily access to any book or information then mostly it will be in English Language. Now a days I feel that English Language is a basic need in the era of knowledge, information and technology.

5.     How you see your future with English language?

        I see my bright future with English language because its not only the language of just for learning, but it has now become the language of necessity in this era. As this language is connected to glob I see my self connected to it. 


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