Tuesday 30 July 2019

'Kya Kehna' in the context of 'The Scarlet Letter'

  • Directed by: Kundan Shah
  • Produced by: Kumar S. Taurani
  • Written by: Honey Irani
  • Release date: 19 May 2000
  • Country: India
  • Language: Hindi

  • Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Country: United States
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Romantic, Historical
  • Publication date: 1850

1.     What are the name of the protagonist in both the works?

        In movie the protagonist is Priya and in the novel its Hester.

2.     Write their story in brief.

        In the movie character named Priya is a teenage and takes an admission in collage after her schooling is completed. In the collage she is attracted by one guy named Rahul and she feels that they both are in love. As its represented in the movie that Rahul is a flirty guy, but a childhood friend of Priya named Ajay loves her and due to the situation he couldn't express his feelings towards her. As the story moves on Priya gets pregnant with the child of Rahul out of wed-log. In this situation her family doesn't accepts her nor Rahul or his family, even not the society. As time goes her family accepts her and stand with her in her fight. At the end Ajay expresses his feelings to her but she couldn't give the answer by that time Rahul has also changed after listening the speech if Priya in annual function of her collage. In the end Priya decides to marry Ajay and not Rahul.

        The novel opens with the Hester caring her girl child as her protection when she comes out of the prison. Hester has been married to the person named Chillingworth, but he was out of town for a long time and everybody felt that he was dead and so did Hester. She likes to read books and that way she meat person named Dimmesdale who was an priest. This way they meet daily and started loving each other and Hester gets pregnant with his child. This is counted as a sin and so she was given punishment to wear an 'A' on her dress. After many years her husband has also come to the town and does not accepts her nor the society. At the end of the novel Dimmesdale accepts his sin that Pearls is her daughter and he dies. After that Pearl marries to a man out of her town and after that Hester also dies.

3.     What is the role played by society in Hester's life?

        As the setting of the novel is Victorian society its very much rigid mindset. As Hester was pregnant out of the wed-log it was seen as a sin in ones life. For this she was even imprisoned for three months and society has decided that her punishment will be to wear an 'A' carved on her dress so that everyone could come to know about her sin and she would fell shame for it. Letter 'A' is an reminder to her and also to others that what would be the punishment for this type of sin. She was also told to stand on scaffold for three hours and to face the public. She was also asked many times about the name child's father but she didn't told. As the mindset of the society was very much rigid she couldn't get much help from anywhere and she is also facing many problems in bringing up the child. Though she tries to give best to Pearl and fights alone with the society.

4.     What is the role played by society in Priya's life?

        If she see the situation of Hester and Priya then its almost same. As Priya was pregnant out of wed-log so firstly her family doesn't accepts her and tells her to leave the house. Same way her friends, society, Rahul no one accepts her she was fighting all alone till some time after that her family accepts her and be with her. After her speech at annul function suddenly the heart of people changes and accepts her. As society accepts her she doesn't have to fight longer as Hester did in novel.

5.     Compare and contrast the male characters, Roger Chillingworth, Arthur Dimmesdale, Rahul and Ajay.

        The character of Chillingworth is not much satisfying because it seems that he is not loving her wife much. As he has gone out of town in order to earn money for them though he didn't took her and left her alone in the town. After leaving the town he didn't kept any contact with Hester. When he returned back at that time he did accepts her and he is also a very jealous guy. He couldn't see her happy with someone else. He runs from his duties every time. 
        If we take look on the character of Dimmesdale then it seems that because of his power position he couldn't confess that the child was his. He wasn't having the courage to accept it as he was priest and society would not accept it and he would have to leave his position. He wishes to live with Hester and the child but here the society is barrier so comes at night to meet them. He was too taking punishment more though then Hester, but it was known by non.

        If we see the character of Rahul then it seems like he is the typical son of an upper class family. He does not have respect for anyone and believes that whatever he does is the only thing and all others are nothing in front of him. He flirts with the every beautiful girl he sees. He is also not ready to take his responsibility towards his family and Priya and his child.

      If we see the character of Ajay then he is the childhood friend of Priya and also loves her and he is also faithful to her till the end. He is ready to sacrifices his love if Priya is happy. He stands with her in every situation like a best friend does. When Priya is taking wrong decision then also he is with her or try to stop her. He is afraid that if he goes against her decision then he would lost her and the friendship. He is the very ideal person that every parents wish for her daughter to marry.

6.     Compare and contrast 'The scaffold scene in The Scarlet Letter' and 'a year end performance in Kya Kehna in which a group of students performs a play on Priya and her pregnancy'.

        If we see the situation in movie and novel then it is almost one as one have to face the crowd and there insult. It is a situation were in both it tries to make them realize that they have given birth to a child out of wed-log and it was wrong and seen as a sin in eyes of society. During the scaffold the crowd wanted to know the name of the father and in the play they try to make her realize that she should not live anymore as she was the shame for her family and for the society. In Hester her child was her shield while for Priya she has to fight to make space for her and child. Hester was not having any one to support her while Priya was having her family to support her in facing society.

7.     What are the reasons that Arthur Dimmesdale and Rahul do not come forward to accept their fatherhood? How do they differ and what are the similarities?

        If we see in the novel then its seems the first reason would be that he is on high position as a priest and society would not accept him once he has accepted his love for Hester and tells that the child is of his. It seems that he likes his position more then his love and child. For him what society thinks is also important. Its not that he does not love them, he loves both of them only in dark and secret. He has also taken the punishment and pain but he could not help Hester when she needed him the most in her life.

        In the movie the hero is also from the upper class and for him his standard is more important then the child. He has not loved Priya firstly he was only attracted by her beauty and innocence. For him Priya was like his other girlfriends not any special. He even tells that he is not ready to marry any girl in life.

        If see the difference then its that Dimmesdale was taking pain as much as Hester is facing while Rahul was not having any kind of guilt. Both were afraid of insult and what society will think of them. Dimmesdale was loving Hester and wishing to be with them and was also taking care of the child in secret while Rahul was not loving Priya and he did not care what situation she faced after he left her. In both male dominating ego was overpowering them in accepting their child.

8.     What is the role played by Chillingworth in Hester's life? Why do you think he wanted to take revenge on Hester and Dimmesdale?

        If we see Chillingworth then he is the one who has always run from his responsibility. When he comes back to the town at that time he was working there as a doctor or was giving medicine according to the sickness. At that time some one told Dimmesdale that he was being sick from long time so suggested him to take medicine from Chillingworth. When Chillingworth came to know that he was the one who was having relation with his wife then he decided that he would tell in town that Dimmesdale was the father of the child. It seems that he couldn't see his wife happy.

9.     What is the role played by Rahul's mother in Priya's life? Why do you think she wants to take revenge on Priya?

        In the movie we see that the Rahul's family belong to upper class and her mother doesn't want Priya as she belongs to a lower class. In starting scenes we saw that Priya's brother had fight with Rahul and he was injured and that was the insult of Rahul so this thing has taken very seriously by Rahul's mother and so she wants to take revenge of that thing from Priya and her family.

10.   Write a note on class difference in Kya Kehna.

        In movie its shown that Rahul belongs from the upper class family while Priya was not from same class. If we see the habits of Rahul then his behavior is very much arrogant towards everyone even to his mother he is not giving respect. He believes that he flirts with girls is normal because it was accepted by the society. He thinks that whatever he does is the only right thing as he believes from upper class. He also believes that he could have any girl he wish for because for him girls were only to take pleasure from her. Rahul's mother also insults Priya and her family all the time.

11.   Why do you think the director has lifted the character of Ajay to the ideal state? Is it possible in real life? What are the reasons of your YES or NO?

        I believe that in real life its not possible that someone would be this much ideal even when most of the things are going wrong with him and most of the sacrifice has done by him for Priya just to see her happy. I think that to give a poetic justices in the end and to make the ending happy as our Indian audience are habituated of it the director has lifted the character of Ajay in the movie.

12.   How do you see Hester and Priya as individuals?

        I see Hester and Priya both correct at their place. If we see the life of Hester then she was the only one fighting against the society and was keeping her child safe. As her husband didn't came for many years and then she takes decision to move on so she is correct. Hester has changed the meaning of the 'A' letter completely. She fights bravely with the society and herself because to give a birth to a child out of wed-log is a very brave decision which many women can't take. So I think that in taking this decision she has to fight with herself also to a certain extent.

        If we see the character of Priya then she has to not face much difficult situation as Hester because she was having her family support to much extent. She hasn't got any kind of punishment as Hester has got. Priya has tough situation before the child birth while Hester has in both condition.  In the movie child gets the name of the father and everything ends very happily.

13.   Write a critical note on the end of the movie and the novel. Why do you think the novelist has not given happy ending?

        As I mentioned earlier that in the movie its give an poetic justices or a happy ending as we are habituated to it mostly. while the novel ends completely different here the novelist has not given happy ending to make it more effective and making an impression on readers mind. In the end of the novel all the three characters die except Perl and they also die by suffering one or the other kind of illness. So it might be that all have got their punishment according to their deeds.


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