Monday 12 August 2019

Then and Now: Colonialism, Imperialism and Postcolonialism

Ania Loomba:

          Ania Loomba is Catherine Bryson professor in the field of English at the  Pennsylvanian popular works are:

1. ‘Gender,Race, Renaissance Drama.
2. ‘Dead Woman Tell No Tales:Issues of     
     Female subjectivity’.
3.’Shakespeare, Race and colonialism(2002)
4.’Postcolonial studies and Beyond(2005)
          There are some great and influential works of Ania Loomba.
The term colonialism is so much near to the word ‘imperialism’.

          The term according to ‘OED’ it’s comes from the Roman term ‘colonia’ which means ‘farm’or ‘settlement’.It means Roman who settled in other lands but still  their deep craving for their own land.The ‘oxford English Dictionary’ defined  it as-

          “A settlement in a new country… a body of people who settle in a new locality,forming a community subject to or connected with their parent state;the community so formed , consisting of the original settlers and their descendants and successors,as long as the connection with the parent state is kept up.”
  -Ania Loomba’s colonialism/
   post colonialism (p.7)              
          The process of colonialism/post colonialism today just remain for the land.But, it’s became much wider and wider. It’s based on language,land,race, gender ,attitude economy there are all those thing decides that one is ‘superior’ another is ‘Inferior’.And, Ania Loomba talked about the same things here.

Ania  Loomba’s views about colonialism/ post colonialism:

          Colonialism is the physical occupation of territory and post-colonialism deals with The effects of colonization on cultures and societies.In the beginning of the book, on the publication of the  ‘second Edition’ of the book peter Hulme given few lines that-

          “Colonialism/post colonialism is both a crystal-clear to read.”of book beachers who dents radical potential.It’s exactly the sort of book teachers who dents to read.”
-Peter Hulme ,Department of Literature,Film and The university.
Ania Loomba’s colonialism/post colonialism.

          In her book ‘colonialism/post colonialism’.she mainly discussed about how ‘colonialism’ relevant with the person,place or anything.This book ‘colonialism/post colonialism mainly divided in to the three Parts.

In which 1 chapter about colonialism/post colonialism,
 imperialism, Neo-colonialism,post-colonial discourse etc.

2nd chapter relates with the ‘Identities’ about race, class, colonialism psychoanalysis, sexuality and hybridity.

3rd chapter about  ‘challenging  colonialism’-Nationalism and Pan-Nationalism, Feminism,Nationalism, and post colonialism, can the subaltern speak?,Post-modernism, and Postcolonial studies.

And,The last chapter about ‘Globalization’ Colonialism/  post colonialism .  So,let see all some views of Ania Loomba.
Colonialism/Post colonialism

          As we earlier discussed “colonialism” means first world country power over second, third and fourth  world country.This process known as colonialism/post colonialism.


          The ‘OED’ defines ‘imperial’ as ‘pertaining to empire and’imperialism’ as the ‘rule of an emperor, especially when despotic or arbitrary and, this word coined by British prime minister Benjamin in Disraeli in 1870s and Joseph chamberlain supporter of the movement.

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