Sunday 8 March 2020

Children's Books in the Multimedia Era

Name: Vishva Gajjar
Roll no.: 31
Paper: Mass Communication and Media Studies
Submit to: English Department (MKBU)

Children’s Books in the Multimedia Era

·       Introduction Books and Children:
Books are called the sweet blossoms of the human culture and civilization. These are the rich fruits of human endeavor for self-expression and accomplishment through ages. These are the products of human thoughts and feelings. These are, in fact tangible outcomes of man's intellectual achievements. All that were thought best over years have found place in books. That is why, these are the valuable treasures and accumulated assets of mankind for the present and future generations.

Human resources are the most important of all kinds of assets and children constitute an important segment of human resources. The early years of human life are more crucial than the remaining years, in the sense that this period is formative and impressionable for the future growth and development. In fact, the foundation of future life is laid during childhood. William Wordsworth therefore said, 'Child is the father of man and comes to this world with trailing clouds of glory and Rabindranath Tagore has rightly observed that child comes from God with the message of love, peace and prosperity. The United Nations Organization long since issued a “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” for his/her all-round development and envisaged these rights to make him/her useful member of the society by bringing him/her up in a spirit of peace and Universal brotherhood.

·       Special Significance of Children’s Books:

Most of us still labor under the impression that a child is a man in miniature the same interests and attitudes, likes and dislikes, knowledge and ignorance in a smaller quantity. But the child has different psychological, emotional and intellectual needs and problems and he has to be provided with special physical, mental and emotional facilities. Children's literature is a healthy means of satisfying their mental, psychological and psychomotor needs. But in many societies, particularly in the developing world, the child is neglected and his basic needs are ignored or left unfulfilled thereby seriously affecting his normal growth and development.

·       Various Media – Their Strengths and Weaknesses:

As we all know, different media are used for making our communication, i.e. the teaching-learning process more effective and interesting. Teaching is no longer “Chalk and Talk”, it is supported with various media like books, journals, audio-visual aids, electronic media i.e. radio, TV, computers etc. Media are classified into seven categories such as:

1.     Graphic Media – books, pictures, photographs, maps, charts, posters, graphs, diagrams etc.
2.     Display Media – Chalkboard, bulletin, board, flannel boards, peg boards etc.
3.     Three-dimensional Media – models, objects, specimens, puppets etc.
4.     Projected Media – slides, film-strips, transparencies, films, video tapes, cassettes etc.
5.     Audio Media – radio, audio cassettes, gramophones, records etc.
6.     Video Media – TV, video cassettes, CD, computers etc.
7.     Activity Media – field trips, dramatization, demonstration, role-playing etc.

It is necessary here to discuss the advantages and limitations of each medium. But we should have a cursory view on the whole spectrum of media and try to discuss briefly on each category of media. Graphic media are mostly traditional and are regarded as the most powerful of all senses through which we see, perceive and visualize everything. This is by far a primary source of information. There is a very simple saying, but very meaningful, that is, "I hear and I forget, I see and I remember". One picture is equal to hundreds of words. But graphic media should be clear, lively and meaningful. Still photographs, maps, charts, etc. are visual aids to communication. But among all the graphic media, books have occupied a central place of immense significance. Due to technological advancement, the book printing has undergone sea-change and in spite of vast electronic media, the book has its special place. The traditional shape, size and standard of the book is fast changing and in future it may take fantastic dimensions in production as well as utilization.  

Chalkboards are the old and traditional display boards which have taken various shapes now-a-days, such as flannel boards, bulletin board peg boards etc. These are used for displaying visuals. The three-dimensional media are realistic and de is called tangible. Slide is called “a headful in a handful” as it explains many things. But the slides are to be produced wit care and used with relevance. Activities like field trips, excursions, dramatization etc. should be properly planned and well-organized. Otherwise, time and resources are wasted and learning outcomes are found unsatisfactory. Films, filmstrips and video programs need to be properly used, but audience lacking in “Visual literacy” fail to gain satisfactory learning experiences. Radio or audio tape/cassette recording is very powerful and not so expensive. It demands ample indulgence from the audience as it is mainly aural and one-sided. All these media and materials need to be adequate and interactive with the audience and relevant to programs.

The National Policy on Education, 1986/1992 has rightly observed, "The media have a profound influence on the minds of children as well as adults; some of them tend to encourage consumerism, violence, etc., and have a deleterious effect. Radio and TV programs which clearly militate against proper educational objectives will be prevented. Steps will be taken to discourage such trends in films and other media also. An active movement will be started to promote the production of children's films of high quality and usefulness". At present, computers have immense influence in communication field and are playing an important role in literary, scientific and educational programs.

·        The Media Era:

This age of science and technology is better known as the Information Age where information is so rapid that various media in operation are felt inadequate. The electronic media-radio, TV, computer, internet and other audio-visual media along with traditional or conventional media constitute the present multimedia Era. The glamour of video media and materials is inevitable and are impinging heavily on all-children and adults, rural and urban tribal and non-tribal. However radio and TV programs are ephemeral and transient, there is no gain saying that the print media is one thing while the audio visual IS another. But both are media of communication. It said that "We are drowning in information, but starved for knowledge”. We are also counteracted with “Computer madness” with its various parameters and implications.

Nancy Lareick has aptly said that modern printing techniques make it possible to print tens of thousands of copies of a book at much lower cost than the past. The paperback revolution in her country USA has introduced a whole new world to children and increased child readership accordingly. Similarly, one-sixth of all books printed in Russia are children’s books, with a minimum print order of half a million or more frequently a million. She was also told that an entire print order was exhausted in a few days. According to Chen Bo-Chui a Chinese proverb says, “A workman must first sharpen his tools if he wishes to accomplish his work well”. That is, we must make good preparation and lay a good foundation in order to succeed in our work. Children’s books are, in fact a kind of important educational medium.

In this age of electro media, computers and internets are used to collate, store and transmit millions of items of information in no time. The concepts like "the computerized society," "the video age", "Video civilization", "the global village", "deschooling"', "alternative schooling", are the expressions of the modern multimedia Era. In this Era children's books are emerged from their learning needs and learning needs also emerge from the today's education. Again today's education is said to be not good enough for tomorrow's needs. As science and technology develop, societal scenario change very fast and new problems emerge every now and then. Unless our learning needs are met adequately, there would be mismatch, maladjustment and cultural lag. Hence, the present Education can be replenished to a great extent with the help of suitable children's books. The eminent French Scholar Paul Hazard in his book, "Books, Children and Men" has rightly said that adults have oppressed the children by "robbing imagination of its rightful place and declaring a war on dreams". Children are actually deprived of their happy innocent childhood and perpetuating oppression in many forms. Hazard has therefor declared the cry of children "give us books, give us wings · Books should be good and useful to children and the wings are our relevant media that are ever multiplying and ever enchanting. 

(Zsofia K. Takacs)
(Adriana G. Bus)

Works Cited

Adriana G. Bus, Zsofia K. Takacs, Cornelia A.T. Kegel. "Affordance and lilitations of electronic storybooks for young children's emergent literacy." 3 2015. Web. 6 3 2020. <>.

Freeman, Bradley C. "Communication and Media: Types, Functions, and Key Concepts." 5 2018. Web. 7 3 2020. <>.

Schneider, Jenifer Jasinski. "Chapter 02: What is Children's Literature?" 1 1 2016. Web. 6 3 2020. <>.

Spacey, John. "12 Types of Media." 27 4 2016. Web. 7 3 2020. <>.

Zsofia K. Takacs, Adriana G. Bus. "Benefits of Motion Animated Storybooks for Children's Visual Attention and Story Comprehension. An Eye-Tracking Study." 13 10 2016. Web. 6 3 2020. <>.

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