Sunday 29 December 2019

Language Lab - Survey: Dell Software

Dell Software:

  • Development of basic skills like: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
  • Teacher can easily assess and monitor the students work.
  • Ease of operating the software.
  • Convenient for group work.
  • Students can easily listen to the native speakers and can learn the language.

  • Inconvenience of time and place.
  • Affordability and availability issue of the digital tools.
  • Lack of awareness regarding the usage of the software and the digital tools.

Learning outcome:
  • It helps in learning new words and phonetics very easily.
  • It also helps in learning basic Grammar.

Five New Words:
  • Czech
  • Veneer
  • Liaison
  • Silhouette
  • Bureau

Comparatively, the Namo-Tab can be considered as more convenient than the DELL software; since the tab is user friendly. The learner is not bound by any restriction of time or place when it comes to language learning through Namo-Tab. Neither is there any barrier of the condition of the digital tools. The language lab software in the Namo-Tab appears to be well updated than that of the DELL monitor. As far as the speaking skills are considered though, the DELL software has an advantage over Namo-Tab. DELL software allows the learner to practically test their speaking skills, whereas in the Namo-Tab the learners can only listen to the correct pronunciations and cannot practically test them

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