Monday 9 December 2019

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, born September 15, 1977, Enugu, Nigeria, Nigerian author whose work drew extensively on the Biafran war in Nigeria during the late 1960s. 

In 2008 Adichie received a MaCAurthur Foundation fellowship. The following year she released The Thing Around Your Neck, a critically acclaimed collection of short stories. Americanah (2013) centres on the romantic and existential truggles of a young Nigerian woman studying in the United States.

Adichie’s nonfiction includes We Should All Be Feminists (2014), an essay adapted from a speech she gave at a TEDx talk in 2012; parts of the speech were also featured in Beyonces song “Flawless” (2013). Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions was published in 2017.

There is always two sides of coin, if you know only one your knowledge is incomplete and dangerous also. This is what she talks about in her Ted Talk on “Dangers of Single Story”. She told that how a single story narrated differently every time conditioned the mind of people to think about certain things in a certain pattern. She also talks about the power which narrates the story and conditioned the mind of people. She also said that single story will create archetype and archetypes are dangerous because they are incomplete. At the end she said that, “When we reject single story, when we realized that there is not a single story of any place, we regain a kind of paradise”.

I agree with her point, single story can create stressful situation for people. People should think that every human, every place and everything on this earth has ups and downs. No one has only virtues or only vices. Nothing is perfect, perfection is a myth. One should ponder on both sides of story.

First time I’ve heard Chimamanda and very impressed by her way of telling stories and her thoughts. She tells her own life experience as story. Her pronunciations are very clear and when she speaks she can touch the heart of audience by her words. After listening her speech now I also wants to read her stories. It will be interesting, fun and good experience.

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