Tuesday 24 September 2019

Onenees of literature


          This Blog is a part of classroom activities in which we have to interpret two works one is T.S.Eliot's 'Wasteland' and another is the story ' The Joke' by Anton Chekhov.

          As we believe that all literature is one literature and connected with each other. When we read one literature for example if you are reading one literary text at that time you may find some elements or may same text or them in others literary texts. But we have to read all the work of art. If you are good reader than you may find difference as well as similarly in other literature. In one literature you can apply many theories or terms. For example if you are aware of Northrop Frye's Archetypal literature , you may apply it in different literature. As we know that T. S. Eliot wrote one of the best easy 'Tradition and Individual talent'. In the easy he said that you have to understand everything like if you want to write about current issues than first you have to read the past. 

"pastness of the past and it's present" 

          There is one stanza in the poem "Wasteland" which is very similar to the story of Anton Chekhov "The Joke". 

"And when we were children, staying at the archduke's,
My cousin's, he took me out on a sled,
Marie, hold on tight. And down we went.
In the mountains, there you feel free" 

         This stanza is connected with Chekhov's one short story. Both the scenes we can find one common theme that is sexuality. In the Gujarati story we can find the symbol of mountains same way in the waste land we can find it. When we read the Gujarati story, we come to know that the lover many a time speak that I love you. As we believe that now a days this word are like jock for other. We all are playing with this word. It is not believing that when someone says you that I am fall in love with you they are truly loves you. Like in this Gujarati story it is not confirm that both are loving with each other or not. This is not a love but a sexual perversion. So that we can say that both the work are connected with each others in a one or the other way. 

         "That memory is for her the happiest, the most touching, the most beautiful one of her life. But for me, now that I have grown older, I can no longer understand why I said those words and why I jested with Nadia" 

          I like this line because in this line we can clearly see that they are not loving each other but The main thing for both is to achieve the sexual pleasure. The story represents the reality of the world.

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