Monday 23 September 2019

Interpretation of "Breath" Play by Samuel Beckett

          Breath is a play written by Samuel Beckett in the 1969. It considered as a smallest play ever written. It is only about 30 second play. It also considered as experimental play. This play can be interpreted many ways. The play consider as absurd play. Here I tried to interpretate play. 

 Meaning of the Breath :

          Breath means both life and death. In life it consider as the symbol  of action. We all are  habituated of breathing in life rather than death. Person doesn't realize its actually importance of living life. The play reflects the reality of human life. It reflects meaningless and Existentialism. Meaningless in the sense that people has no any purpose of living life. While waiting for something we are living life in between and the wait is for death. Breathing help us to reach  for ultimate death. So Breath is the symbol of Bridge between life and death. 

The script of the play:


1. Faint light on stage littered with miscellaneous rubbish. Hold about five seconds.

2. Faint brief cry and immediately inspiration and slow increase of light together reaching maximum - together in about ten seconds. Silence and hold for about five seconds.
3. Expiration and slow decrease of light together reaching minimum together (light as in 1) in about ten seconds and immediately cry as before. Silence and hold about five seconds. 


          This script of play is also consider as a script of life. The time of play is 30 seconds shows that  how quickly time passes.

1) Breath by Damien Hirst :

Materialistic Earth 

Natural Earth 
          In this video it describes materialistic things. People born in materialistic world. Earth is replaced by Materialistic garbage. It shows how people polluted natural world and turn it into Materialistic world with full of garbage like plastic , technical machines , medicines. It also shows effect of global warming. 

2) Breath - Samuel Beckett by Liana De Jourdan: 

          In this video shows fresh fruits and vegetables and pesticides package of fruit juices . People eat vegetables and fruits to maintain their health but this things are meaningless no one escape from death. These fruits and vegetables helps to live healthy life but it doesn't save us from ultimate death. Also this pesticide from fruit juice are also harmful to human health.

3) National Theater School First Year Technical Production Class project, production of Samuel Beckett's play Breath:

          In this video it's shown light and garbage. Here light is the symbol of life. Garbage is symbol of meaningless like our life. Garbage made from many meaning less things. Life is also like that people do things without any meaning. This video try to interprets two angles. Crying of child at beginning shows birth of person and at the end shows death of person. So people come into world with crying and gone with making others cry. Child crying at birth gives happiness to others but at the end of life crying become symbol of unhappiness. It shows how the meaning of one thing changes according to situation.

4) Samuel Beckett Breath ( Modern Interpretation ):

          This video reflects modern era. In this video cover life of human from birth to death. How human is surrounded by materialistic things. It shows development of science and technology. It reflects paradox of  science and Nature. Nature shows detachment from things. People will come and go but Nature will never work according to it. Life goes on and on. In the world person is surrounded by other human beings though one feels loneliness. It also shows reality of human life. Photographs are symbol of memories people tries to preserve of their good moments. In this also shows human health that how body of human depends on medicine. People tries to control death with the help of science but all these things are meaning less because death will never stop by anything. So these all things shows absurdity of life. How human life is meaningless.

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