Thursday 15 November 2018

Psychological Growth in Gulliver's Travels.

Name : Vishva Gajjar
Roll No. : 45
Stream : M.A.
Main Subject : English
Semester : 1

Paper no. 2 – The Neo-Classical Literature
Assignment topic :     Discuss the Psychological growth in Gulliver’s Travels.

Mentor : Medam Heenaba Zala
Department of English
Bhavnagar University
Batch : 2018-2020


Jonathan Swift (30 November 1667 – 19 October 1745) was an Anglo-Irish satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer (first for the Whigs, then for the Tories), poet and cleric who became Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin.
Swift is remembered for works such as A Tale of a Tub (1704), An Argument Against Abolishing Christianity (1712), Gulliver's Travels(1726), and A Modest Proposal (1729). He is regarded by the Encyclopaedia Britannica as the foremost prose satirist in the English language, and is less well known for his poetry.   

Although, it is a travel fiction, very popular in those day. Swift uses it to laugh at the stupid ways of people in politics at that time. It is at once a delightful, fantastic story of adventure for children, a political allegory and serious controversies and on the morals of the age. The book is written in the form of a travelogue.

Hence, Gulliver’s Travels is considered to be the most famous example of Jonathan Swift’s satirical works. The hero and narrator of the story is Lemuel Gulliver, an English Physician who opts to travel as a ship’s surgeon.

Introduction of Novel:
The book is mainly divided into four parts, each dealing with Gulliver’s experience in a different fantasy land. They are as below:
1.   Lilliput
2.   Brobdingnag
3.   Laputa
4.   Houyhnhnms

Overview of Voyages:

1.     Lilliput:
A voyage to Lilliput, deals with Gulliver’s experience on the land of dwarfs, who were no more than six inches tall. It is on one level an absorbing tale of the adventures of the giant Gulliver among the Lilliputians and on another level rich in allegorical references to the politics on land of England. It’s all about a scathing satire on the moral pettiness of humans as seen in the behaviour of the Lilliputians. On this land people are filled with the sense of their own importance and cannot view themselves with objectivity. Their pride and boastfulness are revealed as ridiculous when perceived from Gulliver’s Travels.
2.     Brobdingnag:
On this voyage the situation of Gulliver is totally opposite then the first one. Here Gulliver is now marooned and dwarfed in the land of giants who are over forty feet tall. Here, Swift satirizes the physical grossness of the human and the ugliness of the human body. The malignancy of humans as a political animal portrayed in the person of Gulliver. On this land he is little more than an insect and at his best, an amusing toy. Gulliver ends up in a miniature box which is picked up by a giant eagle and dropped into the ocean. This signals his departure from Brobdingnag and the beginning of his third voyage to Laputa.
3.     Laputa:
During this voyage he is floating on air. At this voyage he also travelled to other four islands which are Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdrib and Japan. The representation of these four islands is a satire on the scientist and philosopher of the age. Here, we find hierarchy structure in Laputa, because the floating island represents the distance between the government and the people. The is concerned for the people, but he never tries to go at their place and meet them. Here, Gulliver is neglected by king often when he suggests him to stay in contact with his people. Through the people of Laputa, Swift ridicules the experiment of the royal society and allied institutions of the time. After a long journey to Japan, Gulliver returns to England before setting out on his final voyage to the land of the Houyhnhnms.
4.       Houyhnhnms:
This experience of Gulliver narrates that the this was the land of the Houyhnhnms or horses and the Yahoos. These horses are creature governed solely by reason, free from any emotion or passion. While the Yahoos who physically resemble human beings are ruled by ‘animals’ instincts. The human is placed between the two extremes of rationality and animality. Gulliver is repulsed at being identified with the Yahoos on the land of Houyhnhnms. In conversation with the master horse (whose language Gulliver has learnt) he explains the customs practiced in England, including the wearing of clothes by Humans (who are resemble as Yahoos), the government of the people, the legal system, and the uses of money as instruments of purchase. The master horse doesn’t believe when Gulliver says him that in England horses are trained by a man to ride over it. Many of the concepts cannot be translated into the Houyhnhnm’s language as their vocabulary and range of experience were limited. At some extent Gulliver whimsies to be a one of the Houyhnhnms and he grows content living with his Houyhnhnm master and hopes to be as like them as possible, but he has to leave the island after all he is a Yahoo to the Houyhnhnms.

Psychological Growth of Gulliver in the Novel:
          When we come to this point, in novel Gulliver visits four different islands and meets different people and also has different atmosphere. In movie we find that Gulliver returns to home after nine years; he could not even recognize his wife and son. His mental condition seems to be ill. He is even sent to the mental asylum for psychological treatment. Gulliver himself could not accept his arrival to England because for the past nine years he spent his life on four different fantasy lands. He is still in the illusion of that voyages and behaves weirdly.
          In novel we find that Gulliver returns home (England) after each voyage for two months and spends time with his family. In novel we don’t find psychological illness which is represented in the movie version.
          In his first voyage (Lilliput) we find that Swift satires on people and politics or politicians that how human beings live? What point of view they carry to move? Here, Gulliver is a giant and Lilliputians are like toy size.
1.     Moral Pettiness:
People mostly do wrong things on the name of religion, ideals and morals or morality. They merely hurt each other, doing nothing else.
2.       Grandeur and Self-Importance:
‘Humans’ always stays busy in highlighting themselves to others instead of doing worth full deeds. He/she always concentrates on his own reputation, importance, appearance, status etc. Basically, they become self-centred.
3.       Pride, Vanity and Boastfulness:
Human beings are usually found with these three qualities: Pride, Vanity and Boastfulness. They boast for their life-style, status etc. This thing is generally happening in upper class people, but they forgot that no one has higher authority than the Nature. They are always seen with fake pride and vanity.
          In his second voyage (Brobdingnag) Swift satires on physical grossness and ugliness of human kind. Here, Gulliver is an amusing toy in Giant’s world. Swift also satires on malignancy as political animal. It develops the sense which represents the ‘mud of politics’ and ‘wore power of chair’; which leads to disaster.
          If we compare the first two voyages, we will find ‘rule of reverse situation’. It means on Lilliput, Gulliver is giant and in power position whereas in second voyage- Brobdingnag we find him among giants and he is treated as toy for amusement by farmer, his wife, queen, dwarf etc. Here, he felt bad upon himself. He realizes the place he had in Lilliputians. It suggest that:
“ One always stays below to another,
And he could ever find the higher
Authority to him; basically there is no
Highest authority.”
          Moving on to the third voyage (Laputa- Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdrid and Japan). With these voyages’ Swift satires on magicians, scientists and on social hierarchy (into a political context). He also satires on the philosophers of the age.
          Here, Gulliver finds social structural hierarchy in Laputa, when he was on the floating island (Laputa) with King, he finds that king is concerned for his people who live below him, but he never tries to go there and meet them personally to know their problems.
          It suggests the best thought for anarch. While a King on his “Chair” he must concentrates to his people and their need. There is always gape remain between a King and his people, but to remove that gape always in king’s hand. Basically Swift tries to convey that,
“Authority always stands for bellow’s wellbeing.”
          But, instead to think over it authority always misused by “Authority”.
          Now let’s come to the final voyage (Houyhnhnms). Here, Swift satires on human nature and their fake wishes for money and all. Moreover we find here that the authority is horses (Houyhnhnms) not Yahoos (resemble as Mankind, but wild like animal).
          Conversation between Gulliver and Houyhnhnm-Master, we find that they do not have knowledge of custom practices, legal system, social hierarchy, wearing cloths and all, money as the instruments of purchase, etc. Seemingly they are far from ideals and morals (seems practical). They have lack of emotions and feelings. They two have good conversation upon matrimonial matters. In Houyhnhnms there is no casticism and classicism which being an error to coupling. It is just a shake of creating new generation. Generally, we do not find this sense in Human Kind. Even they are also greedy as human kind (but in other manners)
          At one point (in movie version) Gulliver throw the precious stone which was with him. Because, he thought he would never return to his home-land and in this world of Houyhnhnms it has no values at all.
          When, Gulliver returns to his Home-Land, he tries to put his experience front of all other. Very firstly he was rejected and mocked by those people as he was in illusion or not in his sane. Later, his tells was acceptable by all.
          We find that Gulliver’s returning to home also brought the knowledge for well human being. His Psychology developed, because he could find the problems in his people, government and as a human in his own.
          That’s true that if one wants to capture whole picture; one need to get rid out the picture first and then only he can see that whole picture clearly.
          When Gulliver spends his most time out of his world; he was able to find other different worlds. So that he could find what should be reformed and what should be changed? This helped him to find himself somewhere better place. It proved betterment to him.
Conclusion :-
          Swift seems to indicate to us that the nature of human is complex and defies definition unlike that of the Yahoos and the Houyhnhnms.
          The book for all its harsh satire and anger, instructs humans to see themselves with humility and honesty.
          The imagery of size is used in Gulliver’s Travels to draw attention to misplaced human pride and the fact that power and self-importance depend entirely on circumstances and are not inherent in human nature.

Evaluation Link For Above Topic

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