Thursday 15 November 2018

Character of Eklavya from 'The Purpose'

Name : Vishva Gajjar
Roll No. : 45
Stream : M.A.
Main Subject : English
Semester : 1

Paper no. 4 – Indian Writing in English
Assignment topic :     Discuss the Character of Eklavya (in reference to other Characters) from ‘The Purpose’.

Mentor : Medam Heenaba Zala
Department of English
Bhavnagar University
Batch : 2018-2020

Introduction :

            The play “The Purpose” is written by very famous and well-known playwright T.P.Kailasam. His full name is Thyagaraja Paramasiva Kailasam.  He was playwright and prominent writer of Kannada Literature comedy earned him the title: the father of humorous plays” and later he was also called as “One and only Kailasam for Kannada”.

About Author :-

T.P.Kailasam is remembered as the father of Modern Kannada drama, the man of genius whose plays revolutionized the kannada stage. Kailasam focused on contemporary social problems, a deeply compassionate vision of the human struggle, an almost Shakespearian power to evoke sympathetic laughter and an amazing grasp of the living language of men, combined with the gift of using it artistically for dramatic purpose.

About Play “The Purpose” :-

            ‘The Purpose’ is a Myth; which is taken from “Mahabharata”. It contains a story of ‘Archery’ which took place in forest. Arjuna was a small boy who goes to guru Drona’s ashram for learning archery with pandvas and their cousin brothers Kauravas. Guru Dronacharya was best in archery. Bhishma knows that so he sent his grand children to learn archery from him. Arjuna was the favourite student of Guru Drona. In ‘Mahabharata’ Arjuna was shown fast learner, whereas in ‘Purpose’ by T.P.Kailasam Arjuna represented slow learning than the Eklavya. In; Purpose’ Eklavya is the protagonist.

‘Purpose’ – the title suggests its meaning that the aim of teaching archery but only to the royal children for Guru Drona, Purpose of learning archery for Arjuna and for Eklavya.

For Arjuna to learn Archery was to become great Archer in his era; whereas to Eklavya; his purpose after learning the Archery was symbol of selflessness. He wanted to learn Archery because he wanted to become saviour of innocent animals. Here, in ‘Purpose’, Kailasam represents that the Arjuna is completely personal and to Eklavya it was totally opposite to Arjuna.

The difference in the same incidence between Mahabharata and Purpose:-

            Usually when we see in Mahabharata, we find that character of Arjuna is highlighted. Moreover, readers find that unjust is done with Eklavya. After guru Drona’s Propound for ‘Thumb’ to Eklavya as Guru Dakshina Story moves to Arjuna’s training of archery and did not capture the pain of an lost Thumb (to an Archer his most precious weapon is his Thumb).

Whereas in “The Purpose” Kailasam focus on the Eklavya and his after condition. He represents Eklavya as the protagonist of the play and depicts him as a “Tragic Hero”. Here, the readers somehow satisfied with Kailasam’s idea to focus on Eklavya.

After sacrifices thumb Eklavya regret that it was not his authority to smutch a major weapon from innocents’ saviour. He was the only who could save those animals with his archery skill without hurting them, but now he won’t be able to do so.

Character overview of Drona:-

            AS we discussed before that Drona was a great Archer. He had first promised to Bhisma that he would never teach Archery to any other child except Pandvas and Kauravas (Royal Children) and the second promise he done to Bhisma and Arjuna both that he would make Arjuna the greatest archer of the era. So, after knowing that the Eklavya is more allegeable and desirable guy to be a great archer than the Arjuna. Although, shake of his two promises he resisted Eklavya to become his guru (teacher).

Character of Arjuna :-

            Arjuna is the third child among five Pandvas. He was the favourite child to Bhishma, Guru Drona and Lord Shree Krishna too. In “The Purpose” we find Arjuna is selfish at some extent (we do not find the same in “Mahabharata”. The character of Arjuna was highly glorified among all other characters in Mahabharata.). He also feels jealous fromEklavya after acknowledge that he can be more powerful and greater archer than him. He also threatened Guru Drona that if he will break his promise then he will tell this to Bhishma, so better to send Eklavya away. Here, we find the very ideal character of Mahabharata juxtaposes and depicted as cheaper character in “Purpose”. My verdict leads me there were we can say Kailasam’s sympathy to Eklavya pushes him to represent Arjuna cheaper than him or may be the Ved Vyas had biases towards Pandvas and depicted Eklavya at inferior state.

Character – Sketch of Eklavya :-

Eklavya is the protagonist of the play “The Purpose”. He is a Nishada boy. He always speaks whatever is the truth. He has great esteem. He really likes the technique of Guru Dronacharya but he also recognized Arjuna as his companion. In Mahabharat he is not powerful character, but in this play he is powerful character drawn by T.P.Kailasam.

            Once he was talking with his mother about archery that he wants to become best archer in the world, that time his mother told him that Guru Dronacharya was the best teacher for Archery if he accepts you as a student then this way you can became best archer. At that time he decided that he will learn archery from Guru Dronacharya and try to convince him to teach him archery, but guru Dronacharya denies him because he a teacher of Pandvas and Kauravas. He tells him that “I am a teacher of Princes so I can’t teach you”

            When Eklavya enters into the ashram, he expresses his feelings with these words; “(Looking all around him) this does look like exactly the place mother spoke of :”A wide vast grassy play ground with bejewelled and beautifully dressed handsome young princes at bow sword and mace exercises… being taught their lessons by a tall and noble looking Brahamana” is how She described it! And it all fits in every bit!”

            He was so interested in the archery that he thought that he must not miss a word of Drona. This shows his love for him. He loves Gur Dronacharya and he has respect for him this thing we can see in the dialogues that are spoken by Eklavya in this play. During this entire situation Eklavya was not noticed by any one ‘he just shares his feeling with his own self. He tries to prepare himself because now he was going to present himself to Guru Drona. He already knows that because of his cast, may be Drona will not teach him but he thinks that because of his aim to become a great archer who wants to help others he would have to dare for him.

            He has very good capturing ability which is seemed here when he listened Guru Drona preaches to Arjuna before giving him training that to become a great archer is in one’s hand only. One should be strong and stabile at his aim and this way one can achieve his goal. Here, Eklavya knows very well that his aim is very noble. At sometimes he also becomes negative like his aim cannot be noble than Arjuna; he is very hard-working. Although he goes to Guru Drona,

I have tried hard ever do hard, Sir, to learn by myself… But it Does seem not possible, Sir, to Learn all by one’s own self!”

With the help of above lines, we can say that he is really tries hard to convince Drona to teach him. His manner of expressing is like child explaining something to elders.

            When he denies to teach, Eklavya leaves and decided to create a statue of guru Drona and he would learn the archery with the inspiration of the statue; than he becomes successful and being to be a scholar in archery. When guru Drona saw that Eklavya could shut up the mouth of a barking wild dog with his bow very skilfully; by aiming them at correct place to knit the mouth of that dog to save Pandvas. It shows his skill in Archery. Everyone was socked, ‘Who did this?’ Guru Drona asked! Eklavya came and exclaimed positively that he did this. Guru Drona asked him who taught him this he replied, “From you Gurujee!” Drona asked with praise “How?” He never taught him. Then Eklavya led them to the statue of Guru Drona which he made and worshiped. Arjuna was upset with this. Guru Drona seems self-centred here when he thinks about promise and reputation for shake of these; he propounds for his ‘Right hand Thumb’ as a Guru-Dakshina. So, that Eklavya can never do archery. To save his promise and reputation he did not realize that he has become mean for this. Because to beg for Guru-Dakshina is only for whom who has actually taught to his student and at last that student offers the Guru-Dakshina to his guru. Here, Eklavya took Drona’s statue as a teacher but seemingly Drona was not there to teach him, he rejected him. So, he had no right to ask for Guru-Dakshina.

Comparison between Eklavya and Arjuna :-

The similarity between both the characters is that both want to become the world’s best archer. Though, the aim is same, the purpose is different. Arjuna has the personal purpose and Eklavya has purpose to save innocent animals. The name or the title of the play “The Purpose”; which given by playwright appropriately, with the centre of the story.

Contrast between Arjuna and Eklavya :-

            Now, let’s talk about contrast or difference between these two characters Eklavya and Arjuna; that these both the characters have their own aspects and different point of views about the purpose of learning archery. In their childhood, Eklavya tells Arjuna face to face that Arjuna cannot improve it and will continue his archery like he is doing at that time. This shows that Eklavya is self-learner and fast learner, whereas Arjuna comparatively slow learner. Eklavya never loses his temper in small matters whereas Arjuna has hasty nature.

            After Eklavya lost his thumb he feels very depressed and expresses his feelings with these words:
“Will you all please leave me tomy own self?”
“You know it will never be farewell between us, Gurujee.”
“Gods! My fawns in distress! And I too helpless myself to help them.”

Comparison of Eklavya and Karna :-

            I took this character of Karna because he has so many similarities with Eklavya’s Character. Let’s see.

            Karna had a same question as Eklavya had (Karna was a character from Mahabharata). Basically, Karna was Kunti-Putra (Son of Kunti by Lord Sun) So he was Kshatriya, but he was brought up by a sut-couple and so that he known as Sut-Putra. He also wanted to learn from ‘Shree Parshuram’. But, because of his cast Parshuram could not teach him. Here, Karna speaks lie to Parshuram and get knowledge. When Parshuram comes to know that he is kshatriya, he got angry but instead cursed him that “on suitable time (needy time), you would forget your all learning skills”.

            Here, the similarity between Eklavya and Arjuna is only that they both are deserving and could not get justice because of casteism. Eklavya speaks truth and loses his thumb (most needy weapon for Archery) whereas Karna speaks lie and also loses his skills at last.

Conclusion: -

            So, we can say that here in this play Kailasam tried to give justice to Eklavya’s character which is not there is in original myth. Here he tries to destroy or break the real myth of Mahabharata. This the typical style of T.P.Kaisasam that he breaks the old rules in his all works either it is a play or any other work.

Evaluation Link for above Topic

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