Sunday 21 October 2018

Hamlet: Post-Viewing task

This post is in reference to the questions asked here:

Screening Movie: Kenneth Branagh's 'Hamlet'. Based on William Shakespear's 'Hamlet'.

Q.1    How faithful is the movie to the original play?
Ans.   The movie is much more faithful to the original play, but as writer and director differs obviously the perspective of looking to situations and characters also changes. So in this movie some minor changes are made and I think that makes the movie more attractive. I feel that the setting of the play and the dresses which characters puts on are of Victorian era were as play is written in Renaissance era. Second thing is that when Claudius and Polonius tells Ophelia to talk with prince  Hamlet at that time in original book they are hidden behind the curtains, but in the movie they are behind the mirror door. Thirdly prince Hamlet is shown younger than the original one. At my view this are the major difference between original play and movie.

Q.2    After watching the movie, have your perception about play, characters or situation changed?

       Yes, after watching the movie my perception about play, characters and situation has changed much. At the ghost scene I was having a different image of ghost but when I was watching the movie and ghost scene came at that time my visualization changed. Secondly, I was not having the much ides about the foreign palace, it's royalty and how kings and queens were treated in that time, but at the movie time I got cleared that how they enjoyed their royalty and power. Thirdly, was about the behavior of prince Hamlet after being announced mad how would be his behavior with others and how would he behave when he is with his friend Horatio. Fourth is the bed chamber scene of Gertrude and appearance of ghost and fifth is Ophelia's madness. This were the some of the things which get cleared in my mind after watching the movie.

Q.3    Do you feel 'aesthetic delight' while watching the movie? If yes, exactly when did it happen? If no, can you explain with reasons?

       Yes, I felt 'aesthetic delight' while watching the movie. Firstly when the drama was been performed at the palace, at that time the changes seen on the face of Claudius and the second one was the grave digger scene were the grave digger was singing the love songs and when prince Hamlet asked him he gave funny yet intelligent answer which makes the environment light with laughter.

Q.4    Do you feel 'Catharsis' while or after watching the movie? If yes, exactly when did it happen? If no, can you explain with reasons?

       Yes, I felt catharsis while watching the movie for Ophelia because she was been used by both her father and brother. She was not knowing the hidden motives behind them. She tried to become good daughter, sister and lover but at the end she didn't get anything. Prince Hamlet use to tell her abused and bitter words which gave bad impact on her mind. Prince Hamlet also didn't understood Ophelia's love for him. All this things has ended her relationship with everyone and she has become nun, gone mad and when she can't resist all this things so she commits suicide. I feel that she was an innocent person and was just used by all the three to achieve there motives.

Q.5    Does screening of movie help you in better understanding of the play?
Ans.   Yes, screening of the movie has helped me in better understanding of the place because in this movie director has tried to cover mostly all the scenes and dialogues which are the same as in original play. Due to this some dialogues are very long and seems unnecessary which leads audience to boredom. I was not much clear with some particular scenes but after watching it I got mostly everything clear. 

Q.6    Was there any particular scene or moment in the movie that you will cherish lifetime?

       Yes, there is a particular scene which I will cherish lifetime is that, Horatio being every time with prince Hamlet and tries to support him in every condition and is also very much faithful to prince Hamlet. So the way Horatio is supporting prince Hamlet is the most important thing for me. As a friend he tries to fulfill all his duties towards prince Hamlet. Everyone needs friend like Horatio in life so I would cherish that scene lifetime.

Q.7    If you are director, what changes would you like to make in the remaking of movie on Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'?
Ans.   If I would be the director then I would like to give an happy end to the movie, by prince Hamlet completing his revenge and marry to Ophelia. Secondly I would make the character of Ophelia more stronger. Third and last thing I would do is to remove long dialogues between the characters which sometimes seems unnecessary and boring to audience.     

Q.8    In the beginning of the movie, camera rolls over the statue of king Hamlet outside the Elsinore Castle. The movie ends with the similar sequence wherein the statue of the King Hamlet is hammered down to the dust. What sort of symbolism do you read in this?

       I think it is a symbolic way to tell audience that how the taking revenge leads to the downfall of everyone. In the beginning of the movie, camera rolls over the statue of king Hamlet out side the Elsinore castle which saws us that the kingdom is having its power, prosperity and position, but when the ghost of king Hamlet comes and tells prince Hamlet to take revenge from his murderer and after that incident the downfall of everyone begins. At the end of the movie everyone dies except Horatio and then Fortinbras takes over the command on the Elsinore castle. After that the statue of the king Hamlet is hammered down to the dust which shows the downfall of everyone just for the revenge.

Q.9    While studying the play through movie, which approach do you find more applicable to the play? Why? Give reasons with illustrations.
Ans.   While studying the play through movie, I fell psychological approach more applicable because, it helps us in better understanding the psychic of all the major characters faces in one or the other way. This approach is more seen I think in the madness of prince Hamlet and Ophelia. In other characters all we can see this approach but its not major aspect.

Q.10   Which of the above mentioned approaches appeals you more than other? Why? Give reasons.
Ans.    I feel two approaches more appealing here:
(1) Moral / Philosophical because if we see the character of prince Hamlet at every stage he is being moral and most of time he is in dilemma and his philosophical mind starts working. By doing this he thinks more rather than taking the actions. Due to this he suffers very much and his revenge is also been delayed. 
(2) Feminist approach because both the female character Ophelia and Gartrude are only used for their own purpose and benefit by both the male character prince Hamlet and Claudies. Both the female character has to suffer a lot and yet didn't got anything.


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