Sunday 26 August 2018

Thinking Activity - Metaphysical poetry

This post is in reference to the questions asked here:

              The metaphysical poetry occupies a unique place in the history of English poetry. It is known as the school of John Donne  because he was the pioneer who established this new trend of writing poetry. It was not John Donne who named it as metaphysical poetry. This title was given to the poetry of Donne and his school by Dr. Sammul Johnson.

                By, itself metaphysical means dealing with the relationship between spirit to matter or the ultimate nature of reality. The metaphysical poets are obviously not the only  poets to deal with this subject matter, so there are a number of other qualities involved as well : use of ordinary speech mixed with puns and conceits ( examples : lovers and a compass, the soul and timber, the body and mind)

  •       Characteristics :
    • Striking imagery
    • Far fetched ideas
    • Full of logic and reasoning
    • Theme like love is experimented like science.

  • Name of Metaphysical Poets :
    • John Donne
    • George Herbert
    • Andrew Marvell
    • Henry Vaughan
    • Richard Crashaw
    • Katharine Philips
    • Richard Leigh

                Death, Be not proud is a tenth holy sonnet by John Donne. He tries to nullify the fear of death in the present sonnet. The poem is addressed by the poet to the death it self.

                  In this poem if poet has to draw  a picture of death, he will draw the picture of a person enjoying rest and sleep. The poet mentions that even the best of people have gone with the death the soonest. The poet consider's death a slave of faith, chance king and people in distress. This is how death is a slave of four elements. According to the poet, there are three dwelling places of death they are poison, war and sickness. Death is bound to be there where these three elements are present. The poet is in the opinion that the mother's charm causes sleep to us in a better way than the way death causes sleep simply with one stroke.

                   From this poem we can know that how metaphysically poet has explained about death by giving different examples.  

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