Thursday 26 July 2018

Ben Jonson

This post is in reference to the work given here:

         Ben Jonson (1573-1637) was born at Westminster. He is the most commanding literary figure among the Elizabethans. He is a dramatist, lyric poet and literary critic. With his great learning, his ability and his commanding position as poet laureate, he set himself squarely against his contemporaries and the romantic tendency of the age. For two things he fought bravely - to restore the classic form of the drama, and to keep the stage from its downward course.

Volpone(1605), The Alchemist (1610), The Silent Woman (1609), Every Man in His Humor (1598)
Tragedies: Sejanus(1603) and Catiline(1611)
Poems and Songs: The Triumph of Charis, Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes, and To the Memory of my Beloved Mother
Short Essays: Timber or Discoveries made upon Men and Matter.

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