Saturday 29 September 2018


This post is in reference to the work given here:

        Post-truth is a new word, it has been chosen as the word of the year for 2016 by the Oxford English Dictionary. Post-truth is a compound word, which is a word comprised of two words joined together to create a new word with a new meaning. 

        Post-truth describes a situation in which the important of actual facts is supplanted by appeals to emotion and personal prejudices in influencing public opinion. The prefix post means after, though beginning in the 1970s it began to be used to designate a time when something becomes irrelevant. An example of this use is the word post-racial. First used in the 1990s, the term post-truth was popularized with publication of the book The Post-truth Era (2004), written by Ralph Keyes. The term post truth is mostly used in the sense of politics, a political philosophy which stresses emotion and personal prejudices over objective fact or specific policy. A related term is post-truthers.


        In theoretical definition, post-truth means objective facts are less influential in  shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.

        In academic definition, post-truth means, "Systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment, whereby inferences about other people and situations maybe drawn in an illogical fashion. Individuals create their own 'subjective social reality' from their perception of the input."

        In real world sense, we the common people always have been manipulated by the powerful, the aristocratic, the dictator, the historians, the liberal and the influential. The people who had power always used his/her position to make us believe, this is the correct 'truth'. However its always been subjective and debatable. I mean, read about Sir Winston Churchill, he was the mass murderer of millions of people, but he always been regarded as a War Hero which is fare from the fact.

        In the post-truth era, borders blur between truth and lies, honesty and dishonesty, fiction and nonfiction. Deceiving others becomes a challenge, a game and ultimately a habit. As the volume of strangers and acquaintances in our lives rises, so do opportunities to improve on the truth. The result is a widespread sense that much of what told can't be trusted.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Introductory Thinking Task On T. P. Kailasam's " The Purpose"

Q.1   Write something about your favorite teacher. Give some reasons for it.

Ans. My favorite teacher is my father. If I say about my father then he is not just my father, but he      plays many rolls simultaneously. He is first of all my best friend than teacher than father.

         When I was in my school I was facing some health issues. At that time I needed someone who could support and help me. Mostly I use to learn math and science subjects with him and my math was very weak so he had to teach me frequently the same thing, but he never gave up on me. He use to teach me as many times as I want without being angry. In every phase of my life he has always been with me and gave some golden rules to live life. Whenever I make mistake he never blames me but rather tells me that if you have done this instead of that then result would be something else. In life I have to take many important decisions and before taking any decision for once I always discuss with him. In the discussion he never says that you do that thing only, but he tells me the benefit and lost I would get in future and then leave's the decision on me. Most important thing he has taught me in life is before starting anything new make a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) so that I can figure and plane it out in a better way.

Q. 2  How are you as a student?

Ans. As a student I am a very silent and introvert. I always like to learn new thing and help other. When teacher is teaching I tried to put my full concentration on my study and take notes of things being taught. I tried to learn many things by myself and think something innovative in that. I like my books to look neat and tidy not messy. I use and keep my books with utmost care. Books have always been my friend in every stage of my life. 

Q.3   What is the difference between the education in past and today's time? Take help of your parent to write this.


Past Education
Present Education
·         Study was the main focus.
·         Study and co-curricular activities have equal weightage.
·         Tuitions were not much in trend.
·         Tuitions are much in trend.
·         If any new thing is invented it took too much time to reach till student.
·         Now students can know about the new invention within short time.
·         During self-study students were not getting much help.
·         Now students get many sources llike online material, youtube, tutions etc
·         Parents were not much aware of education.
·         Parents are much aware of education.
·         Students use to respect teachers.
·         Now a days it does not seems much.
·         Students were having self-discipline.
·         Now day’s students have to be pressurised to be in dicipline.